Many people fall out of the home buying market when interest rates start to go up. This is often a mistake. Many of the best mortgages deals become available when lenders are competing for new business and sellers are competing within a smaller buyer pool. You just have to know how to keep the costs down in order to counter the higher interest rates.
One of the best tricks is the buy-down. In a buy-down, a fee is paid at the closing to get a lower interest rate. In a soft market, an anxious seller may be lured into to paying all or part of the buy-down. Another approach is to get the seller to pay some of closing costs, thus lowering the amount of cash a buyer needs to close. Frequently the seller’s costs can be used as a write-off by the buyer. Always consult with your tax advisor if you are considering such an arrangement.
Do These Real Estate Tips Really Apply to YOU?
I’ve learned these tips through years of experience as a top real estate agent. But I know that YOUR situation might be different. That’s why I’m here.
It’s my job to personally advise homebuyers and sellers. Ask me if any tip that I’ve included here really applies to your situation.