Often the first offer to come in is the best one. When a house is fresh on the market, there is usually a rush of activity and the buyers who see it during the first thirty days are likely to be the most interested. While your home is new on the market, it will receive the most exposure, so the chances of finding a serious buyer are greater during this period of time. If you are fortunate enough to receive an offer right away, you will probably be better off if you accept it and work on resolving any issues that arise relative to price and terms.
Do These Real Estate Tips Really Apply to YOU?
I’ve learned these tips through years of experience as a top real estate agent. But I know that YOUR situation might be different. That’s why I’m here.
It’s my job to personally advise homebuyers and sellers. Ask me if any tip that I’ve included here really applies to your situation.
Do any of these tips raise questions for you? Didn’t find what you’re looking for? Let me know! I am happy to answer ANY questions. It’s my job! There’s no obligation, and I promise to get back to you quickly…