Interest rates fluctuate as changes occur in the general economy. If you purchased your home when interest rates were higher, you may want to consider re-financing your loan at a lower rate.
You will have to apply for the new mortgage and have your current income eligibility assessed. Depending on how long you have had your present loan, a current appraisal may be required. There are closing costs, such as attorney, title fees, recording and notary fees, and appraisal charges. The biggest factor in your decision should be the length of time you plan to remain in your home. If you will be there for only a year or two more, it might not pay to re-finance. If you will be in your home longer, re-financing could provide you with lower mortgage payments. Your real estate agent can help you work out the numbers and can refer you to reputable home appraisers and mortgage lenders.
Do These Real Estate Tips Really Apply to YOU?
I’ve learned these tips through years of experience as a top real estate agent. But I know that YOUR situation might be different. That’s why I’m here.
It’s my job to personally advise homebuyers and sellers. Ask me if any tip that I’ve included here really applies to your situation.